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Novel brain permeant mTORC1/2 inhibitors are as efficacious as rapamycin or everolimus in mouse models of acquired partial epilepsy and tuberous sclerosis complex

Theilmann W, Gericke B, Schidlitzki A, Anjum S, Borsdorf S, Harries T, Roberds S.L., Aguiar D, Brunner D, Leiser S, Song D, Fabbro D, Hillmann P, Wymann M, Loscher, W.
Neuropharmacology . 2020 Dec 1;180:108297. doi: 10.1016

Mouse model systems of autism spectrum disorder: Replicability and informatics signature

Kabitzke, P, Morales, D, He, D, Cox, K, Sutphen, J, Thiede, L, Sabath, E, Hanania, T, Biemans, B, Brunner, D.
Genes Brain Behav . 2020 Sep;19(7):e12676. doi: 10.1111